Posts Tagged ‘ malta şövalyeleri ’

Agharta 017 – What is Ritual?

Theese books are reliable source for Masons, origins of  Templars and rituals.

The Compasses and the Cross
A history of the Masonic Knights Templer

by Stephen Dafoe

In the Compasses and the Cross, Stephen Dafoe, the author of Nobly Born: An Illustrated History of the Knights Templar, traces the origins and evolution of the Masonic Knights Templar from their beginnings in the middle of the eighteenth century to its present form.

Through the course of the book, Dafoe draws on his knowledge of the history of the original Order as well as that of the modern Masonic variant. Individual chapters will examine the various myths connecting the Templars and Freemasonry put forth by eighteenth and nineteenth century Freemasons including James Anderson, Andrew Michael Ramsay and Baron von Hund, as well as Scottish Freemasons such as William Alexander Lawrie and the Chevalier James Burnes. In addition to separating historical fact from masonic tradition, Dafoe also chronicles the differences in Masonic Templarism as it exists in Britain and the Dominion with that of the United States.


Understanding More about the Knight Templar & Malta Degrees
by Revd Neville Barker Cryer

Whatever does the word ‘Bauseant’ mean? Why does the Malta Cross have eight points? Whatever is a Turcopolier and why do knights have an Admiral? Over the last 25 years, whilst becoming Provincial Prior in two areas, the Revd Neville Barker Cryer has produced shorter booklets providing some of the answers to these and other similar questions. So successful have they been in explaining various aspects of the degrees of Knight Templar and of Malta that it was decided to expand the number of subjects dealt with and make them available to any knight in England. Stories about the Knights Templar and their exploits abound; here is something to help Masonic knights become more informed about what they do and say.

Subjects include: Templar Churches and the Holy Sepulchre, Why Is the Royal Arch Linked with the Knights Templar?, The Pilgrim’s Hat, The Accolade of Dubbing, What Is the Significance of the Mediterranean Pass?, What Does the Patte Cross of the Degrees Mean?, The Malta Banners, What Exactly Was the Office of Conservator?,The Knightly Garments, Is there any Link between the First Templars and Freemasonry?


What Do You Know about Ritual?
by Revd Neville Barker Cryer

This book is developed from a series of lectures that Revd Neville Barker Cryer has been giving at Masonic lodges throughout the country over the years. There is a demand from lodge members for a straightforward yet learned book that will guide the candidate through the various aspects of Masonic Ritual, including its meaning and origins, during the presentation of the particular ceremonies. In this book Neville Barker Cryer gives the reader commentaries on the First, Second and Third Degrees as well as Royal Arch, elucidating for the candidate what can often be an obscure ceremony as well as putting it into a practical context. As always, these are written in the author’s inimitable style which has proved popular and which will encourage, inform and entertain the reader.


Committed to the Flames
The History and Rituals of a Secret Masonic Rite

By Arture De Hoyos and S Brent Morris

Between 1826 and 1884, Dr. Robert. B. Folger (1803-1892), a physician and Masonic historian, wrote at least three manuscript ritual books, two of which were in an obscure and virtually impenetrable cipher. Folger, who had a penchant for controversy, was concealing the fact that he was trying to import the “Rectified Scottish Rite” (also called the R.E.R. or C.B.C.S.) into the United States. The R.E.R. was well-known as a European offshoot of the mysterious Rite of Strict Observance, which claimed that freemasonry descended from the Knights Templar.

For the first time, all of Folger’s ritual manuscripts have been deciphered in full. This dramatic and important book presents the full ritual contents of the earliest known English-language version of the R.E.R.’s Craft degrees, as well as Folger’s complete transcriptions of the Scottish Rite (Rose Croix) Craft ritual, with its installation and table ceremonies, and all seven degrees of “Egyptian masonry” (Pastophor, Neocoris, Melanophir, etc.), plus extracts from the American Order of the Red Cross and Knight Templar degrees.

The authors’ introduction places these degrees in their historical context, which occurred during the most turbulent period of Masonic history. Included is the cryptanalysis of Folger’s ciphers and biographies of the principals. Folger was a man of curious contradictions; a passionate Mason, he was twice expelled from Grand Lodge, and yet died a Mason in good standing.


The Scottish Key
An Investigation into the Origins of Freemasonry


An enigmatic and mysterious topic, subject to allegations and fantasies of all sorts. Spread across the globe, this discrete and mysterious association has been a source of curiosity, fascination and suspicion for over 300 years. Today Freemasonry gathers several millions of people throughout the world.

Protected from the outside world, from which they isolate themselves for the length of an evening, freemasons meet in lodges and there develop a peculiar spirituality. How was this movement born? Are its origins veiled in secrecy? Even amidst its own members, few know the actual beginnings of Freemasonry. The lodges themselves have forgotten from whence they came.

For the first time, based on the most recent findings, a critical documentary investigates the question of the origins of Freemasonry. What are its links with the Knights Templar? Are they the descendants of stone masons from the Middle Ages? How did the first lodges come to be? Take an esoteric road of unsolved mysteries, starting in England in the 18th century.

Discover the events that led to the creation of the Grand Lodge of London in 1717. Ascertain the true ambitions of the men who launched this incredible adventure, and how the most intriguing fraternal society of modern times was born. Explore the centuries old stone mason lodges and their ties to the birth of Freemasonry in London.

See how these men were inspired by their secular rites such as the mason’s word and the art of memory. Find out the roots of Freemasonry in Scotland, and the real influence of the Middle Ages.

Agharta 010 – TurcoPole

Türkopol (Yunanca: Τουρκόπουλοι, Türk oğulları) Haçlı Seferleri döneminde Haçlılar tarafından paralı asker olarak tutulan özellikle süvari okçuluğunda yetkin Türk kökenli paralı askerlerdir.

İlk Haçlılar Birinci Haçlı seferi için Anadolu topraklarına geldiklerinde Türkopolleri Bizans ordusu içinde görürler. Bu birlikler anne babaları Türk ve Yunan olan kişilerden oluşmuştur. Bazıları Hıristiyan olmakla beraber aralarında Müslüman olanların da var olduğu bilinmektedir. Bu dönemde kurulan Haçlı devletleri de hafif süvari olarak Türkopolleri kullanacaktır.

Haçlı devletleri çoğunlukla Hıristiyanlığı seçmiş Selçuklu Türkleriyle Suriye bölgesindeki Ortodoks Hıristiyanları paralı asker olarak tercih etmiştir. Türkopoller Kutsal Topraklarda hafif süvari olarak yardımcı birlikler olarak Müslüman Ordularına karşı kullanılmıştır. Batılı şövalyelere göre daha hafif zırhları olan Türkopoller daha hızlı hareket edebiliyor ok, mızrak gibi silahlar kullanıyordu. Hafif bir zırhlı yelek ve sivri metal başlık giymekteydiler.

Çeşitli ordularda yer almalarına rağmen Türkopoller şövalyelerden daha düşük bir sınıf olarak kabul ediliyor ve bu yönde kimi sınırlamalara maruz bırakılıyorlardı

1187 yılındaki Hıttin Muharebesinde yenilen Haçlı Ordusu içinde 4 bin Türkopol askerin yer aldığı iddia edilse de[3] bu sayının abartılı olduğu düşünülmektedir.

Akka’nın düşmesinden sonra Kutsal Topraklar’dan ayrılan Türkopollerden Tapınak Şövalyeleri ile birlikte olanlar Kıbrıs’a, Hospitalier Şövalyeleri bünyesinde olanlar Rodos ve Malta’ya gitmiştir.

Türkopollerin, Türkopolcü adı verilen ayrı bir liderleri olurdu, bu kişi muharebe sırasında tüm Türkopol birliğine komuta ederdi. Tapınak Şövalyelerinin komuta kademesi mutlaka paralı askerlere ve özel olarak da Türkopollere komuta eden bir komutanı içerirdi.[5] Tapınak Şövalyelerinin Büyük Ustasının mutlaka bir Türkopol tercümanı olurdu.

Bu dönemde Haçlılarla yoğun bir şekilde savaşan Müslüman Memlûkler Türkopolleri hain olarak değerlendirir ve esir edilenleri derhal öldürürdü. Töton Şövalyeleri bünyesinde hafif süvarilere Türkopol denmiştir.

Günümüzde artık Malta Şövalyeleri olarak anılan Hospitalier Şövalyeleri içinde halen bir Türkopol sorumlusu bulunmaktadır.